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Signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress include: fear and anxiety, a lack of focus, sadness, changes in sleeping or eating habits, bouts of crying, or recurrent thoughts or nightmares about the event. 

PTSD is a disorder that is displayed by biological and psychological symptoms that results from a traumatic event. PTSD is the only mental disorder that requires a traumatic event to occur prior to its development.

The types of traumatic events that cause PTSD are:

~ Events that result from a natural disaster: such as floods, tornadoes, earthquakes.

~ Intentional Events: Such as being involved in a war, torture, or murder.

~ Unintentional Events: such as a train wreck, explosion, or plane crash.

The closer someone is to the deceased and the traumatic event the more likely that someone will develop PTSD.  People who experience a traumatic event with a lot of intensity and duration, with events becoming more and more unpredictable and  uncontrolled, along with possible danger, fear, suffering and terror are extremely vulnerable to developing this disorder.

Types of PTSD:

~Intrusive:  When you relive the event that has traumatized you in the beginning, over and over again.

~ Hyper arousal: Is when your nervous system is so used to being overwhelmed it becomes acclimated to the over stimulation, you remain jittery, tired, forgetful and have outbursts of anger often. When these bouts of anger occur, you may not even notice your actions. 

~ Avoidant: When the first two types have began the last is a "failed attempt to fix them". When the avoidant form of PTSD occurs, you try to avoid any and every thing that can cause these feelings. You may stay away from family and friends, stay away from the "site" of the incident, if your child was in love with certain foods, you may find it impossible to buy or eat them.
















The best way to describe in "common terms" what you may be feeling is that you are in  a "black hole", or dark tunnel with no known way to get out. Memories hide like monsters around the corners of this dark place and they jump out without warning and cause a lot of repetitive pain. 

The best way to get out of this dark hole is by forming a supportive team. People who have experienced what you are going through is one of the BEST ways at defeating this issue. When you surround yourself with those who have "been there" they are able to be there for you, help you cope, and eventually pull you out from that dark painful place. It is best to surround yourself with positive memories of your child.

Other ways to further your growth in this journey is by joining a support group, and possibly receiving counseling. You will know what is best for you; be patient with yourself.

If you have these disturbing feelings for more than a month, if they are severe, and if you feel you are having trouble coping, you may need to see your doctor to discuss options to deal with these disorders.  

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